From the “Avenger Initiative” to the White Wolf, Marvel has grown with us all. It has been an integral part of our lives for the last 10 years (if it hasn’t been for you, I still very much appreciate your viewership). 10 years and 18 movies in, there has not been one MCU movie that has been anything less than good. But just like all great things, we must find out what is the best. We also have this innate need to debate the hell out of everything. So, let us start some more debates as I present the DEFINITIVE ranking of Marvel Studio’s first 10 years. I just watched all of them again over the last 2 months, so I should know what I am talking about. If you disagreed with any of the previous rankings, you can just stay angry.

-This is the most underrated movie in the MCU (I swore it would be in the Top 10 when I started). It is an amazing character study of not only Captain America, but also of Steve Rogers. It just has the unfortunate dilemma of being followed by a slew of incredible movies. What makes this movie so great is that it has one of the best ensembles. Who would have thought that the dude who played Human Torch and was in Not Another Teen Movie could carry a serious role like Cap? Now, I can’t see anyone else playing Rogers. The scenes between him and Stanley Tucci’s Dr. Erskine are extremely endearing. Sebastian Stan, Tommy Lee Jones, and Dominic Cooper add a lot of depth as supporting characters. Hugo Weaving is also underrated as a great villain in Red Skull. Also, Hayley Atwell held the title of best female protagonist in any MCU film until Valkyrie arrived (RIP Marvel’s Agent Carter, it was such a good show). The reason this movie probably gets forgotten is that there are lulls in some of Red Skull’s scenes, during Cap’s propaganda tour, and with the action in the film’s climax. But if you get past that, it has some of Marvel’s best story and best characters.
Best Scene: Cap saves the 107th
Best Character Not Named Steve: Hayley Atwell’s Peggy Carter sons a dude within 45 seconds of appearing. Boss
Post Credit: The Avengers Assemble (and a punching bag dies)

-A.K.A. Avengers: Age of Whedon. This is the most Whedony of Whedon films. Its quirky, witty, and has puns galore. Its female characters are ultimately better than everyone else on screen (though maybe not on the forefront enough). It contains family and emotional drama wrapped into a funny delivery. The after-party scene with Thor’s hammer is a highlight of the entire MCU. And just like a comedian, the punchline comes back with a vengeance later when Vision pick up Mjolnir. These character scenes show why Joss Whedon does so well making these movies more than just standard comic-book fare. He continues to bring out the perfect blend of comedy and drama from his actors. The team’s chemistry is as great as ever, though it is also the beginning of the fractures we see come to a head in Avengers 2.5 (a.k.a. Civil War). When Cap breaks that log with his bare hands… bruh! Plus, Ultron’s introduction is creepily flawless. James Spader’s voice is maniacally perfect, even if Ultron didn’t reach his full bad guy potential. Ultimately, Age of Ultron could have (and should have) been what we are hoping Infinity War is. We thought it was going to bring death, destruction and dread, but it went more towards the sarcastic. It is extremely entertaining, but it missed the desired mark. However, this website is completely pro Bartonland. Protect them at all costs (i.e. Hawkeye is going to end up the namesake in Avengers 4: The Last Avenger).
Best Scene: The Hulkbuster & Veronica want Bruce to take a nap
Best Character Not Named Tony, Steve, Thor, or Banner: James Spader’s middle name should change to Ultron
Post Credit: Like Wade Wilson said, Josh Brolin will do it himself

-Many people don’t realize that this movie, not Age of Ultron, is the end of Phase 2. After the second team-up, they wanted to include a quick palette cleanser before hitting Phase 3 running (and boy did they run). Ant-Man is a gem of a movie within the MCU and is highly underrated. It’s the heist movie of the Cinematic Universe, and a Paul Rudd comedy to boot. Who doesn’t love heist movies? And since when have you seen a Paul Rudd movie you didn’t like (I mean Clueless is greatness). Ant-Man is fun, non-stop, and probably the first time you shed a tear for ants. Tragic what happened to Antony. It keeps a smile on your face from start to finish, and it is continually rewatchable. Michael Pena’s Luis is enough to keep you coming back just for his “crazy, stupid fine” story recitals. Corey Stall’s villain isn’t the best, but he is not the worst. Stoll does amazing in showcasing Darren Cross’ deteriorating psyche, but this might be the 3rd or 4th time we have seen the hero have to fight an alternative version of themselves. Plus, as much as we love Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly’s Hope probably should have been the hero in the first place. Luckily, that is another aspect of what makes this moving so good. The father-daughter relationship seen with her and Michael Douglas’ Hank Pym (and with Rudd’s Scott Lang and his daughter) brings a lot of heart to arguably Marvel’s most entertaining movie. When you get Michael Douglas smacking people up, you know you’re in for a good time. All the more so, the cinematic choices in which the cinema delineated as acceptable to be showcase allowed for the articulate musings of the master of ceremonies whom we shall call "T.I." to create a passable performance which are up to the standards of such an enthralling form of visual entertainment (translated: They even made T.I. look good).
Best Scene: The Big Heist Sequence
Best Character Not Named Scott: Evangeline Lilly’s Hope is ‘bout to whoop on EVERYBODY in Ant-Man & The Wasp
Post Credit: It’s about damn time for the Wasp. And Sam knows a guy.

-I freeking love this movie! So much that this is the third time writing about it. Quick Plug for my Ragnarok RuView (last November) and My Top 10 of 2017 RuView (Click December)! Yes, in the Top 10 post I have this movie ahead of Spidey, but who really cares about consistency huh? Thor. Hulk. Loki. Grandmaster. Korg. Hela. Even Skurge. All of them are great characters and are hilarious as hell. They shine individually and shine even brighter together. However, the humor of this movie is also what brings it down a bit. Thor went through possibly three of the most traumatic moments of his life. He lost his dad, he lost three of his best friends, and lost his entire home (along with his eye). But it is all good cuz he is going to start a new life on Earth as the All Father and will hear jokes about it from Korg (at least until Cable has something to say about it). I thoroughly enjoyed the Waititi humor in the movie, but the more I think about it, the more they could have taken those things a bit more seriously. Outside of that slight (but not so slight) fault, the movie is the most fun that Thor and Bruce have ever been allowed to have and its glorious to experience. I am running out of things to say, so yea go see my other RuViews :)
Best Scene: Thor supposedly defeating Hulk in the Contest of Champions
Best Character Not Named Thor or Loki: We need to get that A-Force movie with Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie leading the charge
Post Credit: Cable is gonna wipe out all of the Asgardians next Thursday isn't he? Let's ask The Collector's Brother

-I also freeking love this movie. Tobey may have been my Spider-Man growing up, but Tom Holland is MY Spider-Man. Period. He actually feels like a starry-eyed, naïve teenager who is the right amount of cocky to be endearingly witty. That is what makes Homecoming so great, everything feels real. A random NY dude tells Spidey to do a flip to prove its him. C’mon Son! The high school dynamics actually represent what schools are like today (no stereotypical 90s bullies, finally!). Ned (Jacob Batalon) shows the genuine reaction to finding out your best friend is a superhero (the guy in the chair!). Michael Keaton is the realest dude ever! You want to root for him while simultaneously being scared to death. There are so many scenes in which the characters call out truths or figure out things where most movies leave their characters blind (like how Toomes figures out Spidey’s identity). Everything in this movie feels like how it would happen in real life. They have multiple villains, but it isn’t overpacked like previous Spidey iterations. It also avoided feeling too overpacked with Downey in it. Their relationship felt like the natural next step after Civil War, and helped to make this a Spider-Man movie featuring Tony Stark and not the other way around. From Bokeem and Childish, to Karen, to the Bueller reference and Happy Hogan, it simply puts a smile on your face. Especially all of the supporting characters (really wondering where Zendaya’s version of MJ is going in the sequel). Only reason it is this far down on the list is that everything in front of it is just as great and has an extra something more.
Best Scene: Would you rather be greeted at your date’s door by Mike & Marcus or have that drive to Homecoming
Best Character Not Named Peter: You don’t even blame Michael Keaton’s Adrian Toomes for vaporizing discount Tom Hardy
Post Credit: The proper beginning of the Sinister Six? Patience is a virtue, even if you waited so long for something so disappointing

-The first two scenes of Guardians epitomize what makes it so good. It makes you ball your eyes out in the first scene, then laugh your heart out in the second. With Guardians, Marvel went 2 for 2 on genre films and cemented the formula that has made the latter half of Phase 2 and most of Phase 3 the best parts of the MCU. Marvel took a risk on a comedic space opera with extremely unknown characters, and it paid off. Director James Gunn blended the comedy and tragedy of each character seamlessly. They had way more tear-worthy scenes than many of us were ready for (RIP OG Groot, and screw you James Gunn). Chris Pratt’s Peter Quill is awkwardly cocky and incredibly likable. Zoe Saldana as Gamora is fierce and formidable surrounded by lesser beings. Dave Bautista is a surprise hit as the literally hilarious Drax. We also fell in love with a loud mouth racoon and a tree. A RACCOON AND A TREE! Plus, Michael Rooker’s great performance as Yondu has been forgotten when compared to his performance in (boobily boobily)… his performance in Vol (boobily boobily)… in

VOLUME 2! The performances are so great (let’s just ignore Ronan until we see what he does in Captain Marvel, shall we?) that the never-ending expositions don’t bother you. And the music… you’re gonna have to decide for yourself is this or Black Panther had the better score and soundtrack.
Best Scene: The Groot-Kabob
Best Character Not Named Star Lord: Bradley Cooper’s Rocket makes you forget that its Bradley Cooper
Post Credit: A Dancing Groot, A Grandmaster’s Brother, a Cosmic Dog, and A Drunk Duck
Until Tomorrow Ladies & Gents...