From the “Avenger Initiative” to the White Wolf, Marvel has grown with us all. It has been an integral part of our lives for the last 10 years (if it hasn’t been for you, I still very much appreciate your viewership). 10 years and 18 movies in, there has not been one MCU movie that has been anything less than good. But just like all great things, we must find out what is the best. We also have this innate need to debate the hell out of everything. So, let us start some more debates as I present the DEFINITIVE ranking of Marvel Studio’s first 10 years. I just watched all of them again over the last 2 months, so I should know what I am talking about. I am as confident as Thanos walking in the building.

-There is almost no casting in the history of comic book movies that was more perfect than that of RDJ as Tony Stark (unless Hugh Jackman has something to say about that). Seeing it again, the opening scene of Iron Man sums up the MCU almost as perfectly as Downey fit the role. Funny, entertaining, action-packed, and insightful. The moment you see “Stark Industries” on the bomb that kicks off the Universe, you get a hint that this isn’t the typical comic book movie. Tony’s arc is well thought out, the action is heart-pounding and satisfying, and the supporting cast is amazing (I personally prefer Howard over Cheadle). Shaun Taub’s 20 minutes on screen as Yinsen is a criminally under-appreciated role. Jeff Bridges as Obadiah Stane is one of the most underrated villains in the MCU (minus that cookie-cutter third act fight). But what really seals this movie’s awesomeness is everything Tony Stark/Iron Man. RDJ is Tony Stark. You believe that he is the charming, fast-talking, genius millionaire playboy philanthropist, and he still shows real vulnerability throughout his arc. But, the moments everyone salivated over are the action scenes where you get to see the suit in all its glory. When he retaliates against the tank for firing on him… man just take my money. The climactic(?) last action sequence is the one underwhelming scene sandwiched in something as refreshing as Tony’s first burger back from the cave. If this movie hadn’t succeeded, there would be no MCU. And now we are coming up on movie #19. Iron Man is one of the top 10 comic book movies ever made, and arguably the best MCU movie as well (just not on this list, mayne).
Best Scene: Opening Sequence (Cuz I’m Back In Black!!!!)
Best Character Not Named Tony: Shaun Taub’s Yinsen (“I will see my family when we leave this place”) He knew!!!
Post Credit: Samuel L. Jackson “Wants to Talk To You About The Avenger Initiative” (still get chills)

“M’Baku! What are you doing here”

“We have watched… and listened from the mountains. We have watched with disgust as your technological, Advancements, have been overseen BY A CHILD! Who scoffs at tradition. And now you want to hand the nation over to this prince. Who could not keep his own. FATHA. Safe…"

“We will not have it”
“I. M’Baku. Of the Jabari W-“
“I accept. Your Challenge. M’Baku”

Best Scene: N’Jadaka returns to Oakland to talk to N’Jobu
Best Character Not Named T’Challa: Winston Duke’s M’Baku does not allow colonizers to speak
Post Credit: Wakanda is revealed to the world and the White Wolf has a lot to learn

-This movie is basically absolutely perfect. There was nothing like it before it came (sorry League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), and imitators that couldn’t live up to it after.
It was thought to be an improbable task until the master of ceremonies took his rightful place. Joss Whedon is the master of perfectly blending a multitude of characters, comedy, drama, and stakes within one story. He also doesn’t care for people’s lives. Before The Avengers, there weren’t true stakes to many of the movies, then he had to get Loki to push that spear through Coulson’s heart and everyone in the theater died (until Marvel’s Agents of Shield of course). But still, we all let out a little cry no matter how many times we see that scene. Everything about this movie works. It gives everybody complete character arcs (almost, Hawkeye can’t catch a break). It had the best action sequence until the Airport Scene. It generated bromances and rivalries amongst characters, Loki is in his full glory, and someone finally got the Hulk right. Plus, there are so many iconic scenes and shots that will epitomize the comic book movie genre forever. Even though we saw it in the trailer, the first time seeing the assembling shot of the Avengers in a theater sent geeky chills down our spines. Lastly, it started our 6-year journey towards the glory coming on April 27th. The Avengers was the test that either sunk or catapulted Marvel Studios, and we all know how that played out.
Best Scene: The Chitauri invade New York
Best Character Not Named Tony, Steve, Thor, Loki, or Banner: Clark Gregg’s Phil Coulson, whose first name is Agent
Post Credit: We Court Death… and Shawarma

-The Russo Brothers were able to do the damn-near impossible. They took 12 separate characters (most which already had their own movies, or have already been in multiple) and gave all of them enough time to give them fully fleshed arcs. Plus, they were able to introduce two characters that were fanboy pipe dreams and make them the best parts of the movie. Even though Civil War is jokingly called Avengers 2.5, the directors and screenwriters still managed to make it a Cap movie. Yes, there are 10 other Avengers on screen, but the story is essentially about Cap and Bucky (with Tony co-starring). It wraps up the narrative that begun in First Avenger and was brilliantly continued in Winter Soldier, seamlessly advancing the entire MCU’s storyline without overshadowing Bucky and Rogers’ brotherhood. But the most surprising feat was that the acting and story outshine the action (including the best 17 minutes in cinema EVER). It reminded me that this comic book movie has some very accomplished actors and actresses in it. This is when I fully accepted Don Cheadle as Rhodie. Paul Bettany is a… vision (lol) as Vision. Chadwick Boseman is well… all of you have seen Black Panther so I don’t need to explain. That last scene is an amazing action sequence, but it’s the emotion that carries the scene’s weight. Tony’s voice when he asks Cap if he knew and later says “I don’t care, he killed my mom”. Bucky’s when he says “I remember all of them”. Rogers’ when he says “I can do this all day” and you thought for a millisecond he was about to cram Starks’ face full of vibranium. You felt all of that. Daniel Bruhl’s Zemo is the key that brings all of the storylines and narrative together. Ideologically, his character is one of the best villains in the MCU. He wasn’t the standard “take over the world” antagonist (though I was worried his plan would turn into that until 5 “deaths” hit us with an okiedoke). He was just a man with a rational, defensible plan. That plan had a lot of narratively convenient realizations, but it was still a breath of fresh MCU air. Captain America: Civil War’s execution makes me that much more excited for this team’s vision for Infinity War.
Best Scene: The Airport Scene
Best Character Not Named Tony or Steve: Chadwick Boseman’s T’Challa whooped on ALL the Avengers
Post Credit: Let them try to come for Bucky… and we get to preview Karen

-How do you take your most bland/goody two-shoes character and make him a badass? Give him the best MCU movie out of the whole damn bunch. Winter Soldier is THE BEST MCU MOVIE PERIOD. This is when Marvel first realized the excellence that is making genre films which happen to have superheroes in them. It is a political thriller you could easily put it into the Bourne or Bond series and have it be one of the best entries (it was damn sure better than Spectre). The story is suspenseful, the action sequences are the best in the entire 10 years (the hand to hand between Cap and Bucky, my goodness), and the acting is superior. Anthony Mackie is a perfect comedic complement to Chris Evans’ seriousness. From “on your left” until “when do we start”, the comradery between Cap and Falcon was natural. We get Fury in full Ezekiel 25: 17, Sam muthafucking Jackson glory, and we get Scarlett Johansson realizing the best version of Natasha. Sebastian Stan is menacing as the Winter Soldier (his theme music is intense as hell) and empathetic as Bucky. AND they got Robert Redford to play a real spy-drama villain. ROBERT. REDFORD. Everything about this movie screams “I AM NOT A COMIC-BOOK MOVIE”. But it is. It’s the first semblance of what Logan and Deadpool became. It shows that great comic-book movies are just great movies. Period. It is so perfect that it saved Marvel’s Agents of Shield from a premature death. Plus, it’s the best utilization of “Trouble Man” since Four Brothers. I can’t wait to see if Infinity War can top it.
Best Scene: The Elevator Scene… (can’t pick just one) and Fury’s escape… (ok one more) and The Freeway Sequence
Best Character Not Named Steve: Mackie, Stan, Jackson & Redford are amazing, but Scarletts’s Black Widow is the gel
Post Credit: We meet (gasp!!! forbidden word warning) Magneto’s children and The Winter Soldier meets Bucky
That will do it folks. Enjoy Infinity War