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  • Amarú Moses

Avengers: Infinity War Spoiler Discussion Part 3

You've been warned. There is (hopefully) no stone left unturned in this discussion of Marvel's 10-year culminating epic. You are further being warned that this is the most reference-filled, geek out I have ever written. If there are things you don't understand, whether because you haven't seen the movie (why ARE YOU READING THIS... actually keep reading if you want) or because you don't get that reference, then I'm sorry. This is full stream of consciousness nerdom written onto page. So typos be damned. Please enjoy, comment and join the discussion. Thanks


STORYLINE 6: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR (The Black Order, Gamora, Nebula, Thanos)

This movie is Thanos’ movie. We already know about our heroes, so the biggest and baddest storyline is the one about this movie’s main character. We saw how he stepped into the Asgardian building to run Hulk into hiding. We discussed how he was one step ahead of his daughter in Knowhere. We talked about how he outlasted perhaps the best defenders of the three aspects of the Cinematic Universe. We witnessed this man hand out L’s for the THREE WHOLE ASS HOURS. He PLUCKED that damn Stone right out of Paul Bettany’s head. Yet his strength isn’t what makes him the best Villain in the MCU (can we officially say that there is no longer a villain problem: Thanos, Killmonger, Hela, Vulture back to back to back to back). Josh Brolin brought his Oscar-Nominated talent to every aspect of this complicated character. He, and the Black Order, were given so much more than action to build upon, and these antagonists shined throughout.

The five of them together created a perfect complement of each other. Corvus and Cull Obsidian’s stoic natures brought the brute strength and silent but deadly personas that showed they were also intelligent but didn’t need to speak to demonstrate it. Proxima Midnight carried balanced Glaive’s silence with just enough words to demonstrate their ruthlessness without falling into the trap of monologuing. Those monologues were left to Ebony Maw. With the absolutely silent Obsidian at his side, The Maw talked enough for the entire order. The absolute zealot, he knows that they and Thanos are shepherds of Destiny. At least he talks as if he is absolutely certain of it. It is enticing to witness because of how much he can back it up. His words are only second to Thanos in the dread that they bring to the film.

Thanos’ monologues gave us that feeling initially when the first trailer was released. Without a drop of what the plot may be, his words were enough to tell us that we were in for something in which we weren’t prepared. I appreciated the fact that that same opening monologue is his opening in the film, but with a different cadence and inflection. If it were exactly the same as it were in the trailer, it wouldn’t have had the same impact. His words throughout the film almost have the same gut-wrenching impact as his punches (ALMOST- you absolutely feel it when Tony, Bruce, and Spidey take one of those hits). He was able to out talk Loki, shake Star-Lord to his core, and shut Tony up when he said “I hope they remember you”. But the most impactful moments that were had were between he and his daughter. This relationship made you care more about his backstory. It laid the groundwork for empathy generated in hearing how Titan fell. It made you understand his logic. Because his plan was absolutely logical. The ends could justify the means. If you were a Mad-Titan like him. You understood why he did what he did, and that moment he got to finally rest could almost make you feel some happiness. All of that came from his relationship with Gamora, especially on Vormir.

That scene is the best of the movie. Forget the action, forget the banter, Vormir is the heart of the entire film. First off… RED MUTHAPHUGHIN SKULL!!!!!!!!!!! As small as that cameo is (made even smaller by the fact that it wasn’t Hugo), that was my favorite part of the entire film. When his face appeared and one of the burning questions of the MCU answered, I damn near gave a standing ovation. It makes you focus even more to understand the price that had to be paid in order to gain the Soul Stone. The Russo’s created a masterpiece of a narrative. They created a possible kernel of love within Gamora on Knowhere. They then chipped away at it with Hate in the reveal that Thanos knew her secret, and her subsequent forceful admission through the torture of her sister. Then on Vormir, everyone on the screen and the audience knew exactly the sacrifice that was to be paid for the Stone. Everyone except Gamora. Her hate became so focused and so forceful, that she could not recognize that Thanos had truly loved her. But somewhere deep down she knew. She laughed because she finally got to see the end of her disappointment that she experienced day after day. She laughed because she thought she was finally going to see him pay the price that she so longed for him to experience. She stopped laughing because she thought she was wrong when she finally understood what was happening. But she wasn’t wrong, he did pay the price she was looking for, just not in the way she believed. When Thanos turned around and Red Skull said “those tears aren’t for him”, Thanos was no longer a Mad-Titan. He was a father who had cost himself everything to no longer ignore Destiny. Your soul was crushed and your heart was broken like it had not ever been or may ever be again…

Until that Ending. Holy crap that Ending. When Thanos said “should have gone for the head”, nobody in the theater breathed for the next 10-15 minutes. He snapped his fingers and you held your breath. It went dark and you wonder what happened. The Little One asked what did it cost and your lip quivered. You return to Earth and nothing happens for a breath that you still haven’t taken. Then Bucky calls Steve and your eyes widen. Rhodey calls out for Sam and you put a fist up for the one “black” you know had to go. You sigh a little because you knew that Wanda was gone the second Vision turned grey, but was not ready for Rocket saying “oh no” to losing his everything for a second time. You just keep taking hit after hit with the rest of the Guardians and Dr. Strange. Even though you know they will be back somehow, you can’t take it Okoye’s utter look of despair when she loses her King. But the worst. The thing that took your heart out just like Dave Chappelle does in Blue Streak is the line “I don’t want to go”. Spidey crying in Tony’s arms is a visual that will bring sadness in people for years to come. It doesn’t matter that Homecoming 2 is a sure thing. When Thanos sees his sunrise and the screen fades to black, Spidey telling Tony he is sorry is ringing in everyone’s ears as they drop their jaws in utterly dejected astonishment that the film is over.


Some last points after leaving the theater and thinking over everything that was witnessed. First, the fact that Sam Jackson can get that word in to almost everything he does is just amazing. Next, I am very interested in how Captain Marvel plays into everyone’s ultimate return. Thirdly, and most important, I am slightly worried about how that happens. A lot of our heroes have to return by some capacity, but Marvel MUST keep some of them dead. Yes, they can (and should) bring the end to some of our current survivors, but if they allow ALL of those who died in 3 to come back in 4, then it will cheapen the impact of the stakes created in Infinity War. Lastly, one other thing that helped to enhance the impact felt is that some of the heroes never got to actually see each other within the course of the film. Specifically, Tony and Steve. This creates more intrigue for 4, and will make their ultimate reunion more compelling when we do see it. I need to know what 4 is going to be called soon because waiting a year for some king of development is WAY TOO LONG right now. Marvel isn’t right for making Ant-Man and The Wasp and Captain Marvel set in the past. I give Avengers: Infinity War 9.75/10 Stan Lee Cameos.

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