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Top Ten Movies of 2018

Amarú Moses

I have been doing this long enough to have a SECOND Top Ten of a year list??? And a YouTube Channel with more than 10 videos already?? Yay for me!! (look it’s my birthday -Dec 28th- as I write this so let me smile at my own accomplishments). So, for Year 2 of RuViews (BARS), I am stepping my game up to make 3 end of year lists instead of 1. We are finally to RuViews' Top Ten Movies of the year.

As always, the provisions to my lists are to be read and understood beforehand before you all come @ me on here, or Twitter, or FB, or Insta (Thanks Tai…) or in person, or whatever:

1) The Movies I have wanted to see this year I just haven’t been able to: Green Book, Ralph Breaks The Internet, Eigth Grade, If Beale Street Could Talk, First Man, Vice, Three Identical Strangers and anything on Netflix

2) The Movies I won’t see that will probably be on every other Top 10 List: A Star is Born, Roma, The Favourite, Annihilation, Hereditary

3) Please remember that my rankings are in the moment of the posts, so VERY big chance that some rankings on my Summer List and past scores don’t match up and

4) Enjoy and comment and let me know what you think (DO NOT MENTION MARY POPPINS! I LIKED IT, I SAW IT, I DIDN’T REVIEW IT, AND I WONT!!! I AM NOT A MUSICAL FAN, SO HUSH)



Sorry To Bother You

So yea, I forgot about this movie. But I sometimes want to forget those last 20 minutes or sot. Whether you appreciated the workhorse metaphor or was put off by it, Sorry To Bother You is profound in its message about power in our society and what it can do to the best of us. Boots Riley's directing is a mind-melding mesmerizing menagerie of magnificence. Tessa and Lakeith are two of the best up-and-coming (for some of y'all, we been knew bout these two) actors in the industry and show off why they can be a lead in any genre of film. The story is wholly original and compelling. Sorry To Bother You is the biggest swing of 2018, and if it didn't hit a home run (damn you plot twist!!!) then it definitely hit a triple of the foul post.

P.S. This is ranked higher than #10b

Quotable: “I hope your month is full of successful days and a lot of great ventures, I hope you just come up brother” - Lakeith Stanfield (Cassius)- seriously just watch the funniest scene of the year below

(Ms. Albright)

Breakout Performance: Jermaine Fowler (Salvador)

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Love, Simon

I felt a way about this movie at first. But as the year went on, I grew to love it more and more. They didn’t make a “coming out” movie in the coming-of-age genre, they made a coming-of-age movie that happened to revolve around a homosexual teenager. Yes, there is a difference. There is sweetness, heartache, humor, and the loveable embarrassment that made you fall in love with classics like The Breakfast Club and Mean Girls. Nick Robinson is every nervous, out of place teenager ever as Simon. Jennifer Garner and Josh Duhamel are amazing as his endearing parents. The arc that Simon and his Dad experience through Simon’s coming out is extremely fulfilling and representative of the emotion Love, Simon will evoke. If anything, just come for the greatness that is Natasha Rothwell. Greatest. Teacher. Ever.

Quotable: “Suraj, stop pretending that trumpet is your penis. It is a rental” - Natasha Rothwell

(Ms. Albright)

Breakout Performance: Natasha Rothwell (Ms. Albright)

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The Hate U Give

It is a shame that movies and book surrounding these subjects need to be made today. But the powerful messages that come from them are necessary. It is even more profound when movies are deftly crafted so that they don’t beat you over the head with that message. The Hate U Give may be getting overlooked because it is the “young adult” version of a serious issue. But when your heart is broken by Amandla Stenberg’s eyes, and your soul is snatched by Russell Hornsby’s words, you know that this isn’t just another YA film. This is a must see for everyone.

Quotable: “The Hate U Give Little Infants F***s Everybody” – Tupac & Russell Hornsby (Mav)

Breakout Performance: Algee Smith (Khalil)

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Incredibles 2

If they make us wait another 14 years for Incredibles 3, there will be riots in the streets. Elastigirl gets her due, Jack-Jack and a raccoon provide us with the best fight scene of the year, and we are introduced to Auntie Edna. This is how you do a sequel. It reminds us of why we fell in love with the Parr’s and Frozone in the first place, but there’s enough newness that it doesn’t feel stale. It blends the action and humor kids love with adult themes. The messages around family dynamics alone will have you questioning how others see you in your own relationships. It’s a beautiful thing to witness.

Quotable: “I’ve got to succeed, so SHE can succeed! So WE can succeed!” – Craig T. Nelson (Bob)

Breakout Performance: The animators behind the Jack-Jack vs Raccoon fight

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People have been saying “Spike Lee is back”. Has he really been gone though? I guess that is up for individual interpretation. But whatever your answer, BlacKkKlansman is a force of a movie that somehow makes you laugh heartily in the midst of a very heavy subject. John David Washington and Adam Driver are getting ALL the awards consideration, and for good reason. The ensemble cast does not have a weak link amongst them, and they lift each other’s performances to new heights. Its powerful, hilarious, and thoughtful. It’s that awkward conversation some don’t want to have that is yelling at you so loudly you cannot avoid it. The ending hits you squarely in the chest, leaving you staring at the screen in a stupor long after the credits roll.

Quotable: “With the right white man, we can do anything!” – John David Washington (Ron)

Breakout Performance: John David Washington (Ron Stallworth)

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A Quiet Place

There is no experience like watching a movie in the middle of Harlem. Especially after a good 10 minutes watching almost absolute silence, then all of a sudden a lightning fast, sound-sensitive monster comes through and swoops a [spoiler] [spoiler] [spoiler], and the entire theater busts out in whoops, damns, and a smattering of laughter. If you have seen A Quiet Place, then you know the scene and the feeling I just evoked. A Quiet Place is what Bird Box just did to millions of people in their homes, but did it better. The suspense is real, the tension is thick, the yelling at the screen would happen if everyone wasn’t so caught up in staying absolutely silent. John Krasinski built a new horror universe that will silence the most boisterous of movie-goers, and that itself is a feat.

Quotable: “Shhhhhhhhhhh” - Everyone

Breakout Performance: Millicent Simmons (Regan)

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Mission: Impossible – Fallout

My butt will be squarely in a seat opening night whenever Mission: Impossible 10 comes out in a decade. Tom Cruise and Ethan Hunt somehow continue to up the spectacle to new heights. Director Christopher McQuarrie has unlocked the perfect formula of comedy, action, and intrigue that is the epitome of a blockbuster hit. The core team of Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson, Ving Rhames, and Simon Pegg carry the charm from Rogue Nation, and the introduction of Angela Bassett and Henry Cavill make the punches hit harder, mystery beat stronger, and thrills… thrill deeper. Fallout may not be a better film than the next four, but it is the most entertaining movie on this list.

Quotable: “You use a scalpel; I prefer a hammer.” – Angela Bassett (Sloan)

Breakout Performance: Henry Cavill (Walker)

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Black Panther

Ryan Coogler may win Marvel Studios the first ever Best Picture for a Comic-Book Movie. This is a movement. It is the third highest grossing movie EVER in the US. It is the Halloween costume that every little boy and girl wants to be. It is the reason Hollywood finally understands how powerful the black, brown, and non-white dollar. The greatest part about this movie is not the gravitas of Chadwick Boseman, not arguably the best villain created by Michael B. Jordan, not even the epic speech that Winston presented on Challenge Day. It is the fact that women carry this film from beginning to end. Lupita, Letitia, Angela, and Danai are the MVPs of this year (and looking at Jordan Peele’s Us trailer, Lupita is gonna carry that torch into 2019).

Quotable: “WE HAVE WATCHED…” – Winston Duke (M’Baku)

Breakout Performance: Every. Single. Person. On. The. Damn. Screen. And Winston Duke (M’Baku)

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Avengers: Infinity War

What more can I say about this film that I haven’t already outlined in the 3-part discussion I have already posted, and in just about every other RuView after whenever I could insert an Infinity War reference? This movie delivered 10 years and 19 movies worth of build-up, anticipation, and investment. Thanos is that dude. Hulk got two-pieced. Point Break and The Sweet Rabbits should be the title of the band headlined by Thor, Rocket, and Groot. Hawkeye will have his day in Endgame, I’m telling you.

Quotable: “Mr. Stark. I don’t feel so good – Tom Holland (Peter Parker)

Breakout Performance: Josh Brolin (Thanos)

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

I. ABSOLUTELY. LOVE. THIS. MOVIE. We have a Black and Puerto Rican Spider-Man talking Spanglish, excelling in his classes, tagging graffiti in between NYC subways, while blasting “Hypnotize”, “The Choice is Yours”, and Run DMC. Plus, he’s wearing Jordan 1s the entire time! This is an absolutely PERFECT movie. Forget the incredible visuals for a second. The voice-acting is spot on (Nic Cage is legend). The love-letter to New York City (the heartbeat of any Spider-Man story) is incredible. The family relationships are all too real. Then bring back the astounding visuals which create set pieces that wouldn’t be possible in a live-action film, and you have the best Marvel movie ever made. Point Blank Period. Oh. That might be the best Stan Lee cameo ever. The allergies in the theater were strong.

Quotable: “Hey” – Mahershala Ali (Uncle Aaron) and Shameik Moore (Miles)

Breakout Performance: Everyone… and Nicolas Cage (Spider-Man Noir)

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Blindspotting is a flawless execution of taking humor to deal with the pain of life’s realities. An ideal balance of levity, drama, intensity, relatability, groundedness, sadness, and joy. It is purposely messy in its handling of friendship, failure, redemption, and injustice. Because life is messy, and the journey through it is the strength needed to unclutter the chaos. Rafael Casal and Daveed Diggs took 10 years to perfect a screenplay to exemplify what it is to be from The Town. To understand what Bay Area really is. To know just a taste of what it takes to shine a light through the darkness that surrounds you every day. I laughed, I cried, I fumed, and I smiled. Blindspotting is the triumph of the year and will be a permanent staple (at least in my home)

Quotable: “You monsters got me feeling like a monster in my own town!” – Daveed Diggs (Colin)

Breakout Performance: Rafael Casal (Miles)

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*See everyone in 2019. Peace!

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